Drag-n-Fly is the culmination of 8 years of trail-and-error with building and tuning off-road machines in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Each machine was built from scratch (bending our on tubes, etc) with hard work and determination. Each incarnation was made stronger than the next while we progressed up the horse power ladder, and we placed our off-road goal at a total weight of 480 lbs and 115 horsepower. This lofty goal only pushed us to make our parts lighter and stronger than the previous version. Once we reached our goal I realized off-roading, while fun and a great experience, was not where I saw my future. It was during this same time I realized all my work as a jeweler was starting to pay off. I was use to providing excellent detail while working under 5-50x times magnification when crafting rings, necklaces, etc. Imagine trying to use pieces of solder that are smaller than the head of a pin. Learning to inscribe such detail in my work has enabled me to bring that same attention and skills to larger projects. |
Finally, it was time to get serious and take those 8 years of knowledge with me. I wanted to focus on taking parts from the top street performance companies and bring them to the pavement in one clean, customized and inspiring package while putting emphasis on top of the line components, engineer parts and making sure our products are done one way…the right way. |